
Creating SSH keys with PuTTY for secure server access – Guide

26 Feb Creating SSH keys with PuTTY for secure server access – Guide

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When we talk about secure server access, SSH keys are key. They provide an effective way to protect our connections and ensure that only authorized users can access our servers. PuTTY is one of the most popular tools for generating SSH keys in the Windows environment, and it allows us to easily manage and create keys. Similarly, ensuring visibility and security in the digital space is crucial for event organizers, and knowing how to promote a live music event can be just as essential in reaching the right audience.

The Importance of SSH Keys

SSH keys are essential for maintaining secure connections to servers. They provide a safe and reliable way to authenticate users without passwords. Authorized users can establish secure connections while unwanted users are prevented from accessing the system.

Why are SSH keys necessary?

Using SSH keys protects servers from many threats. Passwords can be cracked using various methods, but SSH keys offer significantly better protection. The key pair consists of a public and private key, which improves the security of the connection. The public key is stored on the server, while the private key is kept safe on the user’s computer. For a step-by-step guide on how to set them up, check out this tutorial on Generating SSH keys in PuTTY, which walks you through the process to ensure secure authentication.

Benefits of SSH keys

  • Security : The private key is never transmitted over the network.
  • Ease of use : A user can log in without a password if the private key is set correctly.
  • Scalability : We can easily manage multiple keys and associated users on a single server.

Creating SSH keys with PuTTY

PuTTY is a powerful tool for generating SSH keys in a Windows environment. The PuTTY gen tool allows you to generate keys in a simple way. The key generation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Open PuTTYgen.
  2. Select the key type, for example RSA.
  3. Specify the key size, the recommended size is 2048 or 4096 bits.
  4. Create a key and save it in a safe place.
Key typesRecommended sizeIntended use
RSA2048-4096 bitsMost common types of SSH keys
DSA1024 bitsFor the safety of the parent
ECDSA256-521 bitsFast and safe

How to manage SSH keys

SSH key management is important for maintaining system security. Key pairs should be created in a way that only the necessary users have access to them. Private keys should be kept secure and backed up regularly. It is good practice to delete unnecessary keys.

Installing PuTTY

Installing PuTTY on a Windows system is straightforward and allows you to create and manage SSH keys efficiently.

Downloading and Installing PuTTY

We download the latest version of the PuTTY software from here . We select the version that is appropriate for the system type of the computer, either 32-bit or 64-bit. Once the installation file has been downloaded, we double-click it and follow the installation instructions. The installation location is specified and possible features are selected. Often the default settings are sufficient, so we can click the “Install” button.

Configuring Basic Settings in PuTTY

We will assist you in configuring the Basic settings in PuTTY before generating an SSH key pair. We will launch the program and configure the following settings:

  1. Connection : We enter the server IP address or domain name.
  2. Port : We use the default port 22 unless otherwise specified.
  3. Connection type : We make sure that the SSH option is activated.

Generating an SSH Key Pair Using PuTTY

Once we have configured the basic settings, we will use the PuTTYgen tool to generate an SSH key pair. We will follow these steps:

  1. We launch PuTTYgen.exe, which is included in the PuTTY package.
  2. We click the “Generate” button in the PuTTY Key Generator window.
  3. We move the mouse in an empty area to create randomness for key generation.
  4. We wait for the process to complete and select the key types and bit lengths.
Key typesRecommended bit lengthIntended use
RSA2048 or moreMost common SSH connections
DSA2048Older systems
ECDSA256 or moreEfficiency and safety

Key Storage and Management

The key pair we create consists of a public and private key. We manage the secure storage of the key in the following ways:

  1. Private key : Stored only in trusted locations. Never shared.
  2. Public key : We can share it with the servers we need access to.

We can ensure the security of SSH key usage by ensuring that they are properly managed. It is important that key pairs are created only for use and are stored securely, including in secured folders and encrypted format.

Generating SSH keys with PuTTY

Generating SSH keys with PuTTY ensures secure access to servers. The following steps will help us create and manage our keys efficiently.

Key Generation Process with PuTTY

  1. Download and install PuTTY : We will install the PuTTY package, which also includes the Puttygen program, needed to generate the key pair 1 .
  2. Start Puttygen : We opened Puttygen and selected the key type as RSAECDSAor Ed25519. The recommended key length is at least 2048 bits RSAfor .
  3. Create a key pair : Press Generatethe button and move the mouse randomly to create a key pair. The creation of a key pair depends on the randomness of the movement.
  4. Add a password : In the field, enter Key passphrasea password that protects the private key from external access.
  5. Save keys : We save the private key by selecting Save private keyand the public key by selecting Save public key.
Key typesRecommended length
RSA2048 bits
ECDSA256 bits
Ed25519256 bits

Saving a Key Pair in PuTTY

Storage is an important step in creating a key pair. The private key should be stored in a secure location, such as a password-protected folder. The public key can be shared with servers that we need access to, allowing for secure logins to servers that support SSH connections.

Safe Operation and Management

Secure key management is vital. Use of private keys should be limited to only what is necessary to protect ourselves from misuse. Additional precautions, such as firewalls and VPNs, further enhance security 2 . Distributing public keys across servers allows for smooth and secure use across multiple environments.

Advantages of SSH keys

SSH keys have several advantages, including:

  • Security : No password is required, reducing risk.
  • Ease : Operation is effortless when the keys are set correctly.
  • Scalability : The use of keys is flexible in many environments.

Effective utilization of SSH keys with PuTTY ensures secure connections and smooth access to servers.

Using SSH keys

Using SSH keys allows for secure and efficient access to servers. It is important for us to understand how to enter the keys into the server and how to establish a connection.

Entering Keys to the Server

The public key is entered on the server we want to connect to. The key can be transferred to the server using a command ssh-copy-idor by copying it directly ~/.ssh/authorized_keysto a file. This way we achieve the required authentication without a password. DigitalOcean offers comprehensive information on using SSH keys.

Connecting to the Server

The connection is established with PuTTY by entering the server’s IP address and selecting the correct key. Once the connection is established, PuTTY uses the private key for authentication. It is important to check that the connection settings are correct before establishing the connection.

Key Management and Security

Key management and security are key factors when using SSH keys. We should store private keys in secure locations, such as encrypted folders. At least 2048-bit keys are recommended for improved security.

Key typesRecommended bit length

Recommended Practices

We recommend a few good practices when using SSH keys:

  • Keep your private key secret and ensure that its usage restrictions are properly set.
  • Use a strong password path for your private key for added security
  • Create key pairs only as needed and deactivate old keys

In practical implementation, we follow the practices defined above, which improves server security and makes independent management easier. SSH keys provide both convenience and additional security, and their proper use helps to effectively protect our systems.


Generating SSH keys with PuTTY is an essential part of secure server access. When implemented correctly, it protects connections and ensures that only authorized users can access the system. Always remember to store private keys in a safe place and only share public keys with servers.

When we use PuTTY to create and manage keys, we can take advantage of the benefits it offers and significantly improve our security. Following good practices when using keys makes it easier to manage servers and protects our systems from threats. It is important for us to stay up to date and ensure that our keys are always secure and up-to-date.