23 Aug Five Tips to Get Your Music Heard on SoundCloud
Author: Buddy Iahn
Original Article by The Music Universe: https://themusicuniverse.com/get-your-music-heard-on-SoundCloud-5-proven-tips/
We at FanFlex help you rock the stage, but rocking the Internet isn’t as easy. As SoundCloud is one of the most popular sites for young aspiring musicians to showcase their talents, it’s a crowded place for one voice to break the mold.
But don’t be discouraged! While exposure on SoundCloud isn’t exactly a promise, Buddy Iahn shares ways to maximize your visibility in his article, “Get your music heard on SoundCloud: 5 proven tips.” Just follow these simple steps, and you’ll soon get some eyes and ears on you, eagerly hungry for more of your stuff!
1. Focus on Engaging Cover Art
While it may not seem that big of a priority, cover art is the first thing people will see when scrolling through an endless list of songs in a search result. As much as we don’t like to believe it, the saying about not judging a book by its cover does not apply here, as first impressions are everything when it comes to getting a random passerby to stop and listen to your song specifically. Make that cover worth it!
Choose something that represents you and your music, and feel free to be inspired by others! When creating your album art, it’s recommended to upload it as a PNG, sized 800×800. If you cannot make your album art, feel free to hire someone!
2. Tags. Tags. Tags.
What seems like little insignificant words underneath a song play a huge part in the visibility of your content, and it goes for most websites from social media to content publication. Tags and hashtags are the lifeblood of visibility, and it’s essential to know how to utilize them when publishing music onto SoundCloud.
Most of the time, your tags will be based on the genre of music, the messages, or the topic. However, try to keep the tags as related as possible, and ensure that the tags you put are accurate and general. The better you do your tags, the more likely other SoundCloud users will encounter your song.
3. Add a “Buy” Link
SoundCloud is a great place to listen to music, but it’s also an excellent place to sell some music. Ever seen a post with an option to “buy” the song, only to be redirected to iTunes or Bandcamp? This is precisely what we’re talking about, and it’s a free feature that every artist should use.
To add a “buy” link, visit the “metadata” tab when uploading your music and place the link of wherever you’re selling your content, whether it’s iTunes, Bandcamp, or some other site. That way, you’ll allow listeners to support you when they love what they hear!
4. Cross-Promote your Music
It’s no secret that social media can be an indie artist’s most powerful tool; if utilized correctly. One of the most innovative ways to promote your SoundCloud music is by promoting it on social media, which might already be a platform where you have a sizable follower base.
Whenever you release a new song, publish a post on sites like Twitter and Instagram that tells your followers there’s something new to check out on your page! That way, they can visit the song and boost its engagements. Who knows, maybe they’ll also share it on social media, allowing your content to snowball all over the site!
5. Don’t Forget Whose on Your Side!
Make time to connect and engage with your followers, and attempt to network with other artists in your field! The connections you make with others will be worth their weight in gold.